Shopping & Ecommerce

One of the most intriguing applications of Cymorph lies in the realm of shopping and e-commerce. In today's digital age, online clothing purchases are commonplace, but they come with a downside: customers often receive clothing that doesn't quite match their expectations. High return rates and customer dissatisfaction are the unintended consequences.

Cymorph offers a solution to this problem. By harnessing the built-in 2D to 3D avatar generation capabilities which are already available for testing, users can virtually try on clothing they intend to purchase. This provides a true-to-life preview, allowing them to assess how the clothing will look in reality.

The 3D avatars created by Cymorph are impressively realistic in the current version, but we will be taking this a step further. We will add customization tools that enable users to input their precise body dimensions and weight, all facilitated by AI for simplicity.

To enhance clothing previews, we incorporate pre-made poses and backgrounds that are well-established in the professional fashion industry. These can mimic runway walks and other fashion industry animations, ensuring users can visualize how their potential purchases will appear in real life.

Clothing brands can use this feature by virtualizing their entire lineups within Cymorph to offer virtual previews to their customers. With brand approval, these assets could also be sold as NFTs, with the proceeds benefiting the brand.

To implement this use case, we just need to introduce editing tools for body shape and develop a lightweight plugin for online clothing shops to integrate seamlessly. Users will also have the option to preview recommended clothing combinations from the seller, making informed purchase decisions. This ensures customers get the right style and size for their needs.

What's more, the Cymorph fashion experience isn't confined to e-commerce stores. We will make it possible for users to purchase branded clothing through various Cymorph-supported applications. For example, if a user owns a special branded shirt in one of the Cymorph-integrated games, other users can click on the item and purchase the real-life version within the application. Various monetization schemes are in place to cater to different scenarios, as detailed in our Business Model section.

Through seamless integration with clothing brands, we aim to introduce a practical solution for physical clothing stores. Our approach involves the implementation of smart mirrors equipped with high-definition cameras that track customer movements. These mirrors, linked to the Cymorph ecosystem, enable users to access pre-configured, lifelike avatars. Shoppers can efficiently preview their desired clothing items by scanning the corresponding avatar QR code and clothes barcode. This innovative method not only saves customers time but also enhances the try-on experience.

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